This raya is a new one.It never occured to me that I wud experience and merasa convoy in my life. berconvoy ramai-ramai during raya is the best moment I so far encountered eversince I noe the word raya. We had fun and enjoying ourselves melanggar rumah cikgu-cikgu.
Izat's presence added the fun..biasa anak atu suka bercaliii..nda sah nada ketawa f ada ia..
Haziq's voice chased away all the boredom in the bus..
At first we were palnning to have just the ex 5h yg inda blayar lah to join the convoy..but it turned up that ramai yg inda dapat so we converged with ex 5A who were to have a convoy ja. Thanks to
Wina for sorting our destinations for the day. Thanks to
Afiq ja for the bus. Credits to
Faj and Wedah for all the stunning pictures. Don't worry..ku masukkan ne gambar ahh tym tane punya graduation.
I know we were having fun..but it wud be more funner if kamu ZAW, SAD, ZIEMAH n WAJEE..ada
This is definitely a greatest moment!!

we took this picture 3 times..hahahah pasalnya the first 2 I got problem with my eyes hahah

Kami posed gila

Blakon nganya ne dorang ahh...

Tudungku mcm Biut..?

Dalam bus yg beraircon..huhhu We were waiting for Ck Rubiah yg history..

Pasangan yang sentiasa bahagia

Still waiting for Ck Rubiah

Waiting for Our bus for pick us

Rumah sir Picai pun kami langgar

Esehman buiiii

Karing leher bahh tu c Bonda ahh

Rumah c Emma

C Faj out...hahahah

See c Faj ja yg Out...

3 Fiqahs

Rumah C haziq

Baju C jat package sama tabir rumah Ck Shahidah

No komen

This part below is for WAJEEEEE <3

Favourite pose mu wajee

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