Last half term ive spent most of my time WALKING. Aku inda turun ke London sebab aku ada walking expedition for my DofE.
Halton Training Camp. The place was HELL, feeling misery was inevitable.
Then start my LONG journey for 4 days and 3 nights with an average of 9 hours walking a day on Tuesday. During the whole journey since day 1 macam aku kept thinking 'when will this gonna end? why did i join DofE in the first place? mana kan campsitenya ane?'
That's my 17 kilo rucksack that i have to carry with me sepanjang the journey btw.
The result of carrying it= bruises arah pinggang and shoulders
Naik bukit day1. ane okay lah pasal masih fresh kan day 1 lah konon and ane macam baru the first 30 minutes of day1.
Kalau ada naik bukit mesti ada turun bukit jua. turun bukit okay lah jua masa day1, lutut masih okay.
At the summit of mount ingelborough, the highest peak out the 3 peaks of yorkshire moors. baik jua naik gunung ane masa day1. kepisan udah sorg2. arah the summit very lah foggy inda berapa nampak. ane alum g setengah hari of walking. kan menangis udah rasanya. masa day1 we had our lunch at the summit.

ane turun the mountain so kan menuju campsite. not bad... masih jua okay. tapi masih g jauh from campsite. rasanya mcm forever bejalan ah.
Ane berehat. chilling dulu for 5 minutes after walking for a few miles.
Day 2, turun bukit curam. perlahan berabis sorg2 turun except for the guy yg duduk2 atu berlari turun iatah ia dulu cross the bridge.
Lapas lunch masa day2. hujan labat tia so tepaksa pakai waterproof jacket. iatah usul kami ne masa lunch rucksack yg beribu kilo baratnya atu tah jadi tempat duduk kami.
Ane masa day 3, hampar dah... baru lapas naik bukit and ane chilling dulu, mengambil nafas. pasal lapas atu ada g bukit kan dinaiki. kusut kali ah... and masa day3 kami macam naik turun bukit saja ada 3 ke 4 bukit kali.
Day 3 macam never ending the path. berabis2 hampar dah, inda g kira kamah kah inda duduk saja dimana2. inda g tecakap bah kami ah... kepisan berabis dah.
At the camp site. Lapas siap dirikan tent. kan get ready for dinner.
Inside our tent. aku, lyn and lena pakai tent untuk 2 org pasal dorg nada tent untuk 3 org so kami besampit lah dalam tent ah. packd berabis tent kami ah.
Day 3. At the last camp site. happy lah.... bsuk last day. tapi the journey kan k camp site ane, gila seksa... saat akhir kan smpai k camp site ane pun naik bukit bah. i injured my knees so aku tepaksa drag kaki throughout the whole journey. gila udah smpai nyaman jua rasa ati.. the last camp site was fun. yg plg best out of the three campsite yg kami aga. Ane duduk dulu before pasang tent.
Memasak dinner. malam atu kami mcm masak and makan suma makanan kami yg tinggal pasal bsuk last day and supaya ringan beg. well inda plg make that much difference but then ringan sikit lah. sikit saja kurangnya.
Last day... inda sabar kan balik. last day was the best day cause kami bejalan for 11 km saja and inda byk bukit and mcm a walk in the park saja. Byk rehat and we had an hour lunch break sbb kami mesti dtg arah the checkpoint by 1.30pm and kami awal by 2 jam. so iatah that day chill lah sja. cool!
Checkpoint kami tu nah castle ah... saat saat akhir expedition. castle atu mcm 100m away kali saja so obviously everyone was excited....
FINALLY!!! after walking about 80km for 4 days sampai jua ke penghujungnya. kali udah abis the expedition everyone was in disbelief mcm 'wow it's relly over'
This was the whole group.
melvin, lyn, lena,zaw,amelia, catherine and callum kami with our two assessors.
btw our group did really well, kami smpai at every checkpoint either on time or awal... and we all pass the expedition......
it was an amazing experience *seksa plg* tapi im proud of myself to be able to complete the journey despite of my two bad knees and injured shoulder. To say i will want to go on a walking expedition again, no way man, never, let that one be the last. sepanjang walking atu inda plg beranti2 menyumpah2 dalam hati ah. bangun selalu 5.30am, start bejalan kul 7pagi smpai kul 4 lalu.udah abis the expedition baru tah ku dpt ckp all the positive things ive gained from the expedition, mun dtanya masa sdg2 bejalan, alum... abis2 ku ckp 'this expedition depresses me' i was miserable for most of the time tho except for the last day. nevertheless, it was relly amazing (seriously, not everyone cud survive the arduous journey)the journey was remarkable and i will always remember it.... *sigh*
It was indeed a nice way to celebrate my 19th bday!=p haha It was memorable...
when life gets tough, all you need is faith and perseverance to get through it. And friends to support you.
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