these days, things that happen to me would always have something to do with the biasiswa. Feelings, arguments, occasions, n even the expiry date arah the juice carton can make me go “oh, 28 august. Sudah ku blayar tu”.
N yesterday, it felt good. Because yesterday afternoon, I did something which finally took my mind of the scholarship. I just wanted to settle everything. Send whatever that needs to be sent to the MOE, selesaikan tia apa2 saja yang pending: forms, official cards, everything. Get it over with. I wanted a private moment too. I wanted to be by myself.
Antah, pokoknya I wanted to stay away from everyone. I didn’t even want to stay at home. So I did this by asking my father whether someone can take me for a drive. A drive to wherever I want to go. Selalunya I must have a purpose kalau kan bejalan sendiri dengan the supir. And I did. I had to send something to MOE. I wanted to do some shopping. But I didn’t tell my father that I desperately need to be alone.
I was looking forward to sitting at the car’s backseat. I wanted to be on a car ride, where u don’t have to worry about anything. You don’t have to worry about striking up a conversation because the person who’s driving is only paid to…… drive. I wanted to be with someone
Who didn’t care whether you’re busy with tissue Premier,
who didnt even bother to look at the side view mirror to see whether mata mu be-aing and
someone who didn’t ask kenapa semana-mana kau sibuk menyiruk ingus.
Someone whose main concern is to just bring u to your destination.
So I’m proud with myself. I took action. I didn’t need anyone to tell me what to do, what to buy, where to go. I was in charge. It was the most guilt-free and relaxed car ride ever. I could singgah to every Indian shop to buy whatever I want, without kana marahi, without worrying kan gagas-gagas balik rumah. I bought myself ice cream. The ultimate comfort food. With my own money. I found the whole driving/shopping thing very therapeutic. I walked out of supasave, feeling happy and content.
So the next time u need some cheering up, just:
hire a person to take you for a drive(preferably someone you don’t know)
pasang whatever jiwang song u have and
enjoy the ride. It works. This works best in taxis pulang.
If only the taxis in Brunei are cheap and abundant, I bet everyone will follow what Duffy did in her video Warwick Avenue.
I would :)
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