I try to reflect myself when I was still a innocent, naive and dreamy child, long long time ago. Back then, I was loaded with those so-called unsatisfying statements pasal Brunei. Jadinya Saya pun terikut-ikut tia ja kan nda ska Brunei ane. But that was long long time ago, back then I was still hanching and had a zero idea on Geography a.k.a Ilmu Alam, Sciences apatah lagi Computer Studies and Additional Maths, probably a limited knowledge of Maths x yang, even if u were blindfolded u still cud score 100%.
I grew up so fast and realised that Brunei isn't that bad after all. Not like apa yang dorang umpat. Indah Rupa dari Khabar x ahh. Many yang inda puas ati living in Brunei psal Boring lah, pasal orangnya bida-bida lah, pasal orangya stail lama lah wateva. These statements are only for those shortminded yang hanya menghasilkan Ide-ide yang kuno, sekuno artifak dari abad ke 15 ahh and for those who possessed suara-suara yang sumbang n kambang who lied to themselves that they can sing as well as Datin Nurhaliza or Sharifah Aini back in 80's and also for those yang perasan dirinya lawa bangget mcm Agnes Monica or Mary Poppins back in 70's.
In these few days, I was off to interview some penduduks of Our country, to give some comments on the latter.
These are the top 3 comments:
1) " Di Brunei ane burrriiiiiiinggg bahhh mcm nda hiburan ahhhh", komen penjaja penyaram di Tamu Kianggeh.
Adddehhh maniss..Pa yang burringg sangat di Brunei anee..cubatah kita huraikan Bu Ajah yg Maniss..Pa nda burring munnya U have spent almost 2/3 of ur age rah tamu kiaggeh nganya. Cubatah abiskita "MEREK-ING" di Bukit Shahbandar kah,di pantai muara kah bawa cucu-cicit abiskita disana bermain jongget-jongget atau mandi manda kah, or bawa kah Giant or The Mall kan cuci mata sikit mliat anak-anak yang muda berlegar sana sini.
By then Im sure nda lagi burring tu.
2) "Brunei ane ketandusan tempat-tempat yang lawa udah", ujar pemandu pelanong yang usianya tidak berapa hendak muda sudah.
Adddehhh..I hate repeating myself agen and agen..Seperti yang saya sarankan kepada Bu Ajah penjaja Penyaram di tamu kiaggeh atu..agatah ke Bukit Shahbandar or Bukit Saeh kah or lebih Baik bukit Pagon ahhh or any bukit yang sewaktu dengannya...agatah melawat disana..F abiskita berjumpa dengan Bu Ajah atu sampaikan salam ku ahh.
Banyak ja x ahh tempat yang lawa diBrunei..probably ure the one yg nda berkarih kan "MEREK-ING" keindahan alam diBrunei ane bahh.
Most of us are just 2 x 5 with this pemandu pelancong. Most of us just like to spend our time dapan TV mliat Akademi Fantasia or Trek Selebriti or Chuck or Mliat cerita Korea nganya. Why dun we take sumtym "MEREK-ING" sekitar kawasan bandar, Ibu Kota Brunei ahh.
Maybe u will be saying "Aiyaaaa, banyak poklan x disana ahhh n Bnyak indon, malas tah ku ingau"
Apa nda banyak indon..munya KAMU yg Manisss manisss ane nda ke ksana memanuhi kawasan atu..F KAMU bnyak kesna, minute ja jumlah INDON disna tu..
Last week, during Kem Kiadah, we had this opportunity to circumnavigate BSB in night. The participants were asked to visit some assigned checkpoints which are buildings or monuments that have their own splendid history. I was assigned to be photographer waiting arah TUGU
60...Imagine malam2 menunggu di sana gelap dengan c Frenly Giant Najmuddin Maniss (dun get me wrong)..eventho gelap with only cucul from the tugu and cahaya stars from the sky and cikitlah from my torchlight... pemandangannya lawa buiiii...from there I viewed Kampong Ayer differently as if I was d HONGKONG at nights...manis buiii..It never occurred to me that Kampong Ayer is so much different at nights than at days n It actually has hidden beauty that u tend to ignore..u have to liat pakai HATI mcm c zaw... Pemandangan that night romantic..nda lagi payah lagi kan candle light dinner f kan berdating...Saya mkn pringles perisa BBQ dengan C Najmuddin arah TUGU atu sudah cukupp manissss..!
So is this the beauty yang abiskita katakan NADA Lawa???
3) "Orang hansom/lawa di Brunei ane pupus udah", luahan jati seorang remaja perempuan yang perasan lawa.
Addddeeeeeeehhhhhhh, statements ane paling manis neee...adakah diucapkan orang Brunei ane bida-bida...F orang Brunei ane bida abisss ko lawa bangggeeeet x... Bak kata Simon Cowell "We are beautiful in our own way wahh"...F nada lawa migrate plang ko k Afrika kah..k Vietnam kah ke mana sja yang sewaktu denganya mencari yang hansom.. People comes with differnts sizes, looks and shapes bahh. Orang lwa nda semestinya bek..Mcm KAU bahhh..muka nda ja sebrapa tapi mulut berbauuuuu membari watirrr...
Dun jugde people based from how they look..SOME Bruneians maybe not so lawa or hansom kahhh..but wat inside is matter...
We maybe are not hansom as they are
nor as beautiful as
BUT Remember
Will be continue.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
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