Tuesday, June 24, 2008

sekian lama

hahaha wth, this is the second time i posted. mcm sorang-sorang nda merati kan. i said guys, buat your real name if buat post atu. ane ngaleh-ngaleh meneka siapa. hahaha mcm annoying kan kraja ku atu.

Well, we had this meeting. wait i don't know what exactly we call it but it was a function where we had this small party organised by Anwaruddin. hahaha frankly, we didn't know who exactly anwaruddin was. otw to the PGS cafe,Qlap, there was a pathway. then, as i walked there, there was anwar's dad. he said "kawan anwaruddin?" and i was like (siapa c anwaruddin ne) hahaha den "clicked". i answered 'owh, awu.' den he showed me the direction. hahaha sorry anwar. c bonda pun catu x ah.

We had meals (2 3 x) especially c ziemah. berabiz. she ate "makanan orang sakit" since she was sick. plus c ziemah ckp buburnya nyaman and when zaw and i tasted it, it was like "what ziemah?nyaman tah tu?" owh yeah, we couldn't blame her, she was sick. remember? she couldn't taste anything pun. hahaha. this whole story was about c ziemah sorang saja. ya Tuhan ku, minuman panasnya dua tiga buting! (note:2 pulang saja tu..hahaha) satu coffee and the other one was a cup of tea. coffee without milk and tea without sugar. were you okey ziemah? hahaha mabuk lagi kah?

another highlight was "ramai orang pakai pink!" hahaha. c ziemah, zaw & me were wearing blouse with pink strips. hahaha mcm bejanji. karang bejanji, manada sama tu. kan as i said andang kami ne nda merati. hahaha.

And this is especially for u ziemah,the moral of the story is, JANGAN AWAL BALIK. hahaha obviously atu c ziemah. hahaha mcm bnr. kemana kau kan? kami macam jmpa parents mu. hahahaha. it was almost 5. where were you?let me guess. in the toilet? hahaha confident.

okey, later~


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