Sunday, August 31, 2008
Like I knew I would
Today's a Sunday. As usual I have nothing to do and Im bored. Well, there's stuff to do actually like packing and cleaning my room but too lazy to do all that instead im sitting here infront of the computer and start writing this pointless post which i have no idea what it is about.
Okay let me think for a moment...
Still thinking....
And yea still thinking...
Okay my brain's dead. I guess to much rest ain't good for your brain.
I give up, malas ku bepikir eh I prefer to hunt for amazing articles or poems for me to post here than babbling about my not so fun day.
Here's a good poem btw;
Like I Knew I Would
I heard a song yesterday
And it reminded me of youI’ve heard it play a hundred times before.
But I thought of you and smiled
I wish that you were here, or I was there
I guess I miss you
Like I knew I would
I saw little boys today
And he reminded me of you
I’ve seen boys play before today but
He made me think of you and how you laughed
I guess I miss you
And later I was reading back
To how things wereAnd I was laughing through my tears
At the thought of you
How I wished that you were here, or I was there
And I was missing you
Like I knew I would
And if I never see you again this side of forever
Can I tell you that I love you
That I’ll never forget you,
Even though you’ll forget me
And that’s okay
For when I think of you I always smile
Like I knew I would.
Guess that's all for today. Happy fasting...and im out to think!
Love you always;
Saturday, August 30, 2008
As a child there were them times
I didn't get it but you kept me in line
I didn't know why you didn't show up sometimes
It's something more than saying "I miss you"
But when we talked too
All them grown folk things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
"I wish I could find a way try not to cry"
As time goes by
And soon as you reach a better place
Still I'll give the whole world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
The hardest thing to do is say bye bye
And you never got the chance to see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together
I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
That you can make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever
Friday, August 29, 2008
Don't mind me
Hye guys I just felt the urge to write a post. walaupun aku alum tau pakan ku buat tapi aku macam mau taip jua. Aku macam dalam this huge dilemma tapi macam aku udah sort everything out. It was not a big deal after all. Just mixed feelings. Already straighten everything out with the help of a friend. Nothing big. Just too much thinking. Iatah macam aku inda dapat bepikir. Everything's fine.
Pakan yang ku cakapkan ane. entah eh i just want to write everything out walaupun some of you might not understand. well, I doubt none would understand.(haha...)
I pretty much feel stupid writing all this. Nvm, you'll get used to my nonsense and useless idiotic post now and then. Actually it is nothing. I was just confused with my feelings and emotions so just need to untangle the mess. Haha... I need to stop.
Need to start packing...
Anyways, thanks friends for always being there for me (this thank you goes to all of you btw)
P/s: still haven't decide cana kan spell zoe?? ZOEY or ZOWIE or ZOE? Haha...
Diam tah zaw eh. bah, atu saja.
Still love you guys,
My flight
Sorry for this interuption, there is one announcement....(pakan, rindu ku batah udah inda buat announcement)
This announcement is from me, to you.
Flight ku kana tukar ke 08.09.08. Bukan lagi 02.09.08.
I repeat.
Flight ku kana tukar ke 08.09.08. Bukan lagi 02.09.08.
Sekian harap maklum.
End of announcement, thank you.
You know i love you,
- c sarah ckap nama org putih ku c zoe tapi aku alum decide cana spellingnya; either zowie or zoey or zoe, pakan aku ah. sekadar...-
p/s: c fyzahmemoo plg dulu bagi aku nama atu.
Bah im out...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tribute to my other friend
This lovely friend of mine was born under a lucky star on August 11th 1991. She was named Wajeehah, Wajee for short or some might called her Gee. This friend of mine has obtained great results in her O level to place herself on the track towards scholarship. She will be flying off to UK on 26th August which is tomorrow. She will be studying at Cheltenham Ladies' College.
Wajeehah; aku mula kenal ia masa form 1. Well, it was because kami classmates. Back then masa lower forms, kami jarang lah bercakap pasal kami alum geng lah, cematu...
Masa mula-mula melihat ia, ia nampak serious, smart, hardworking and knows what she's doing. Nampak pintar lah c wajee ani. Well, semua pulang banar tu my first impression arah ia ah. Tapi what I didn't know was that she's funny,humble and baik berabis jua...
Kami start rapat masa form 4 sebab kami ngam classmate jua. So aku seklass sama ia since form 1 udah. Wow five years of classmates!Masa Pre U saja inda sebab ia masuk Nerds' class and aku inda. Masa form 4 /form 5 lah byk our moments. Btw kami dua tahun sama CCA jua. Form 3; volleyball then form 4 MS youth Iniative.
Sama, aku duduk sebelahnya masa form4 and form5. Kami rapat banarlah masa 2006 and 2007. Sekarang rapat jualah tapi inda selalu lagi hang out. Dulu mun kana suruh form group masa dalam klass mesti jua aku sama ia tu. Inda rapat di mana jua tu?
BTW, this year she was elected as a member of student councils. This year hang out dengan ia d kaunseling room mostly. kalau masa form 4 and form5 arah klas 4H and 5H. Banyak tu sejarahnya klas ah. Iatah dimana org2 H class selalu melepak tu. Dari pagi sampai petang, almost everyday tu kami stayback. Well, kecuali Jumaat and Ahad lah.. Haha... *Sigh* That was the good old days... I miss those days.
Now, orang2 H selalu lepak arah the so called loser table d kantin ah. Kadang2 di Library (tempat yang ku benci) or arah concourse. Okay back to Wajee...
Wajee ane ia balik2 jua kana bawa interschool competition yang aku pun inda terhitung berapa (well aku inda tahu plg tu berapa... haha) Yangku recall Kuiz tanah airku and yang physics thingy. Inda ku ingat lagi yang lain, tapi no doubt she's intelligent.
Anyway wajee... You are one great friend. Lucky to have you as a friend. We've been through a lots and I thanked you for always being there for me. I enjoyed every seconds I spent with you. You're awesome! Won't forget you and I'll always cherish our friendship.And Im sorry for all my wrong doings and good luck yea!! We'll keep in touch... Sama post tah as frequent as possible di sini supaya kami updated dgn perkembangan mu. I love you...
I know this post inda seberapa tapi it is the thought that counts, right? But nevertheless, you know i still love you...
Love you always,
-Thank you for everything wajee-
p/s: sorry aku inda dapat antar ko bsuk. Sorry berabis...I wish you a safe flight=D
Sunday, August 24, 2008

It is a horrible feeling to leave you guys. And it is WORST to say goodbye.
Okey, let me start. 24th aug... 24th aug... hmmm.. Its today! Today i'll leave Brunei. Today i'll leave my family. Today i'll leave my friends. Obviously i'll going to leave all my Brunei life right here. Right here baby! U know wat am i saying!
I woke up early dis morning around 4 am. I didnt have enough sleep as I hardly closed my eyes. I kept tinking n tinking. Wat am I going to do? I felt helpless n dis question immediately came across my mind.. Weird huh. "sudahkah durg c fiqah,zaw,fyzah,ros mandi d swimming pool?" haha.
Immediately after I woke up, I went to my parents room. Juz to see them sleeping but unfortunately kna marah bcoz I switched on the light. Then I went to my siblings room. To see them sleeping as well. Brutah ada feeling guilty bcoz dulu slalu bekelahi, beucap-ucapan nda pandai branti.
Lps atu taulah kamu.. Kejamban lps tu menanggis teresak-esak alone. But now im ok. Sorry critaku ani boring. Nada bakat bercrita. hahahah.
I take dis oppurtunity to say im sorry 4 all my wrongdoings. The gengs, keep in touch always. Take care.
I luv u guys alwayS..
Friday, August 22, 2008

please be reminded that don't forget to bring your own:
1) pop mie, maggie dan segala laksa yang boleh di makan.
2) baju, including pakaian untuk mandi. ALERT: you're not allowed to bring any clothes that could possibly expose yourself. hahaha get it get it?
3) any junk food, if possible bring any of your favourite food. this is excusable for our own health since Ramadhan is coming up and during that we can decrease our excess calories. (alasan)
4) bantal especially yang mentioned her bantal buruk at the previous post atu. and this is for sure to avoid you guys dari bepatahan tulang and to avoid dari jadi sudirman di sofa.
5) your own money for the room payment, at least bring $10. bergadai jam karang. this is refered to jam c piqahco. hahaha yang nationl day daling.
okey, i think thats all so far since i know no one reads this blog until next few days. hahaha.
by the way, no need to bring torch light kah apa. malas kan gtau but i glow in the dark. hahahahaha!
ready for the dinner!
cricket cricket
tidak pasti
well, here i am again. long time no see. been busy posting arah my blog (which is sama jua belangau nya).
okey, maybe the way i updated this blog is a lil bit strange. i don't know also why our picture so sudden becomes that big. a correct word to propose this kind of picture is GIANT. and maybe some of you guys are wondering where the hell the widgets are. hahaha i didn't mean it. Their dissapearance maybe something to do with me. like duh~. who else yang suka merusak-rusakkan barang ane.
okey, it is better like this. if you guys get mad, i'll attend school tomorrow. there you have chances to kill me right away. but it is better if you guys wait until after the dinner. hahaha i'm trying to negotiate here. hahahaha sorry guys. i didn't mean to.
by the way, i just realised that the clock is not really working. i mean, it works but hey how can we tell what time is it. hahahaha (sampat g mengomplain tu)
i'm not sure about my title for this post. that is why i put it as "tidak past". i rather put something that doesn't make sense rather than being lame. hahahaha wth.
this post is specially wrote by me just to apologise on what i did with this blog. sorry for the links and whatever lost. it seems that the song is not working also. maybe because this blog have been langauing for a long time.
the very very bersalah kid,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
2nd post of the day
I just want to share a story with you guys. The story is about, well read it for yourself…
Story of Mine
We were closed; friendship of ours is our most precious treasure. We knew each other since we were just a little girl. We enjoy doing stuffs together and most of the time we enjoy laughing our heads off to our own jokes. For us, laughing is a crucial necessity in our daily life. We can’t seem to live a day without laughing. Laughing, it always makes us feel better. When we feel unhappy, we never forget to remind each other to have a good laugh and laugh all the problems away.
Like I said, we WERE closed and all the stuffs that I have just mentioned above are the things we used to do back when we were still closed. Now, you have been given an opportunity to choose the road that you had always dream about which was figure skating so you grabbed at that opportunity without delay. A huge dilemma hit us. Is our friendship over? You choose to leave and I choose to stay.
Sure, we said stuffs like long distance friendship will be fine. We know we can handle the distance but then deep down we believed it will never work. Still, we keep our hopes high, thinking that we can do this and overcome this distance barrier as we will meet again in few years time. Rather than spending our last moments together, we were instead busy doing our own stuffs and being totally ignorance with each other presence. We never did realize the value of our friendship. At that time, we were stupid enough to let distance ruined our friendship.
We started to drift apart, I started hanging out with my new friends and I was never there for you anymore. Over the years, we were busy with our own lives that we forgot about each other existence. The last time I talked to you was on the day you left. You left me with a promise that we’ll keep in touch but then none of us held to that promise. Well, it was probably just me who had broken the pact as I moved to a new city and changed all my contact numbers. I guess that is why you couldn’t reach me and I know it was selfish of me to do all that but you left me when I needed you the most.
One day, I received a mail and here is what it said…
Dearest friend,
I know you’re running away from me and I know you didn’t want me to find you but I have something to tell you. It took me years to find you and I’m sorry I didn’t get to say a proper farewell. There is no easier way to say this but I guess when this mail reach you, it will already be too late.
I know you’re confused right now but here it goes. The truth is I’m dying. I only have about one and a half month to live so I pretty much don’t have much time left. I just want to say sorry for leaving you behind but you should have known that I’ll be coming back soon. Thank you for everything you have done for me and I would never trade the whole world for the friendship you have given me.
I know you think this is a big lie but it is not. When I’m gone, promise me that you will be strong and never will you regret the past. Please don’t blame yourself as I always said everything happens for reasons.
Yours truly…
Yes, it was already too late for me when the mail arrived. For you, I promise to keep this friendship much alive for our greatest memories will always be with me. I’m sorry for not able to be there for you at your very last moments and I do promise you that I’ll be strong.
End of story.
Every story has morals of its own so here are some of the lessons I have learnt;
Lessons learnt:
-Appreciate what you have before it’s too late
-Friendship is valuable and it is unbreakable by distant
-Don’t be selfish, think of others too
-Everything happens for reasons
-Opportunity only comes once so when it comes knocking at your door, don’t hesitate to answer it
-Laughter is the best medicine
Those are all the lessons I could think about right now.
Yang lain kamu pikir tah sendiri, olryte…
Fellow friends,
I would like to apologise for all my wrong doings and thank you for everything. I just wanna tell you guys how lucky am I to know such a lovely friends like you. You have made a difference and I love you.
Ok I’m out.
what L competes me?
Tribute to Ziemah
Basic Detail:
Name: Nurul Aziemah Anawi
Nick : Ketones
Birth date : 13 November 1990
Zodiac : Scorpio
Sport house : Laksamana
Crushes: ___________ (Let her fill the blank)
Currently staying at Lumapas
Soon to be teacher
Will be studying at Bedford High School for Girls (BHSG)
I think that is enough basic.
She is one of the special scheme scholarshipians and will be flying off to UK on 24th August.
I knew her in form 1 obviously because we were classmates. When I think back, I really really have no idea how to describe her (well this is probably because I am very lousy and awful in describing. My description technique is pretty much dreadful.)
C ziemah ane seingat ku ia jarang kan makan mun masa break or lunch selalunya ia minum saja. And selalunya ia minum the so called minuman kubur ‘Green Tea’. Iatah barangkali disebabkan kejarangan makan atu, ia punya urine ada ketones.
Then selalunya masa kami ramai-ramai becerita ia macam selalu inda geddit pa yang kami cakapkan. Ia selalu tebanggang. Then masa kami habis laughing at the jokes barutah ia geddit. Well, you’ll get used to her slow reflex when you get to know her better.
Sama aku baru ingat, some call her mabuk. Pasal ia selalu mabuk lah. Nada deh, sebab ia selalu macam lost… inda tau what’s going on. Cematulah….
Sama ia dulu masa primary school pernah menang badminton competition thingy. Then ia pernah ikut volleyball school team sama ia pernah main softball plus ia pandai jua main bowling. Ia handal jua main netball. Tapi bab-bab lumba lari inda ia minat tu. So ia active jua lah dalam bab-bab sukan ane.
Ia masa form 5 option subjectnya history, kali udah PU1 mengambil history lagi ia. So it shows yang ia minat jualah dalam mata pelajaran sejarah ane. Pasal mun ia banci history, indakan ia ngambil historykan. Inda ja?
Aku becerita ane macam boring tah plg. Well I can assure you that she is not boring. She is fun to be around with. Clumsy at times, not all the times though. Cali jua mun ia becali. She is clever and a good friend.
-Ziem, sori eh mun ada tersilap kata.Ampunku pinta.-
In a few years time, she will returned back to Brunei as a successful teacher/lecturer. Insyaallah…
I hope you’ll succeed in chasing your dream. Forgive me for all my wrong doings and thanks for everything. You’re the best!
p/s: Sori aku inda dapat antar ko. Sori berabisss…..
See you soon….
Love you always,
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Short Update, I guess emmmm?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Second Chances
(This ain’t an epic post)
First when I heard those who were rejected are no longer rejected and given second chances, I told myself ‘ so lucky, they are! Well I guess no luck x for me. Biasa orang jaihh jaiihh x ahh !’
Second Thing
So with nothing I cud do, I bear the dying pain for for 1 sleepless night. The next morning arrived, I zoommmm tarus ke dental gigi. Then I got it off.