Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't mind me


Hye guys I just felt the urge to write a post. walaupun aku alum tau pakan ku buat tapi aku macam mau taip jua. Aku macam dalam this huge dilemma tapi macam aku udah sort everything out. It was not a big deal after all. Just mixed feelings. Already straighten everything out with the help of a friend. Nothing big. Just too much thinking. Iatah macam aku inda dapat bepikir. Everything's fine.

Pakan yang ku cakapkan ane. entah eh i just want to write everything out walaupun some of you might not understand. well, I doubt none would understand.(haha...)

I pretty much feel stupid writing all this. Nvm, you'll get used to my nonsense and useless idiotic post now and then. Actually it is nothing. I was just confused with my feelings and emotions so just need to untangle the mess. Haha... I need to stop.

Need to start packing...
Anyways, thanks friends for always being there for me (this thank you goes to all of you btw)

P/s: still haven't decide cana kan spell zoe?? ZOEY or ZOWIE or ZOE? Haha...

Diam tah zaw eh. bah, atu saja.

Still love you guys,

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