Hello Pedros!
Guessss who's backkkk?
Everyone say it out loud!
Fiqah wat?
Fiqah wat?
It's FIQAH CHOO wawawa

Just wana make my re-entrance more grand, well apparently kurang sabutan...(apanya c fiqah ahh, booooyaaaa!)
I'm back today at 5.30 pm, arrived home around 5.40 pm
I cant believe my house is that hampirr bangett. If di Thailand ne, probably I was still in the airport. (apanya c fiqah ahh, booooyaaaa!)
As I arrived, aku taruss zoomed ke wawawa--toilet then took 5 min touch-up before Rai's arrival to pick me up for the rehearsal, well I need to be updated with the aturcara for the MC-ing and also catch-up what's going on in Brunei when I missed in action..wawa hectic brabissss
I wonder what's up with Lemon? maybe planting lemon tree right now..wawaw
In the rehearsal?malas saya cerita wawawaw
My report on my action in Thailand will follow soon..ngaleh saya ari ni!
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