(This ain’t an epic post)
Sound familiar? These are the words that keep buzzing around for the past few days. Well for newly-given-scholarships-students, miracle happened. No need for me to describe in details. Well-informed, the students are.
Second chances also happened to me past few days. Not that I got a scholarship. But I got my second chances in other ways. It’s not just A second chance but second chancessssss.
First when I heard those who were rejected are no longer rejected and given second chances, I told myself ‘ so lucky, they are! Well I guess no luck x for me. Biasa orang jaihh jaiihh x ahh !’
But soon I realized second chances are not all pasal kan study abroad. Things happened and evolved around. There are plenty of things that happened to me and the rest of the HO7 that associate with second chances lately.
So first thing
Our second chance outing.
Our very first outing was to celebrate Fezun’s bufday. We went to the movie together and nyanyi dan berjiwang lagu pretty boy!
So our second outing took a blast on Sunday 27th July. We were actually to get together before Ziemah blayar and to celebrate c Rose punya bufday. But Rose cudnt make it. So the outing was for Ziemah then. Our plan to play bowling (since c Ziemah suka men bowling) was hatched and a failure when we knew that Seluruh bowling utama kana booked oleh kerabat-kerabat, sanak saudara, anak-pinak, cucu-cicit n sahabat handai all came in to bowl. Cuba kamu imagine mcm seluruh penghuni Kampong Lambak Kanan came in men bowling..Nada sasak dmana. Sampai betamu gigi ane bahhh.
So we cancelled the plan and instead we sat and ate our hearts out at the very last table in the Jolibee near the sink. Loser side came in minds. Its ok we used to it. So our next mission was ke Soon Lee. Mereking sekitar baju-bajus just to get ideas on our outfits for the dinner. Mereking saja bukan membali. No money No Baju. So kame ended up mencuci mata saja.
Second Thing
My second chance as a nominee
Same day as the volcano of Dana erupted, I was called by Miss Ivy to fill in some forms. I was nominated for the EAST ASEAN + 3 Leadership Camp. I was chosen probably because student council is now as lapang as Kalahari Desert. Most of the MP is leaving, and then I got chosen. I had been in this situation before. I had been nominated to go to Phillipines and got interviewed. I didn’t make it. And this is my second chance. I don’t hope and expect too much though since I will have interviews to attend, essays to compost and bluffs to brag just to convince the interviewers that I can deliver a speech as well as Hillary Clinton and I can bring up arguments as well as my GP teacher. Honestly I hope nothing from this.
The third thing
My second tooth strike!
My wisdom tooth struck again. It didn’t appreciate my save last year and for the last two days it continued to put me into an agonizing world of migraines and extreme pain mcm kan bunuh diri rasanya. It’s the second time the tooth struck and without further thinking I told myself to get off of it. I asked my brother to send me to the dental clinic but no luck. The dental clinics that we went to, were all closed. Clinic gigi mana ja kan buka mlm. Itik n ayam lagi tidur, anikan manusia. We mereking sekitar bandar instead, since it was the last night of the perayaan. and my brother bought balloons for my little brother n sister.
So with nothing I cud do, I bear the dying pain for for 1 sleepless night. The next morning arrived, I zoommmm tarus ke dental gigi. Then I got it off.
So moral story; Jgn lupa barus gigi! Sudah sakit gigi rasanya kan matii! Bektah berbarus.
So guys, if aku missing during lunch, find me in d toilets. I will be there, busy ensuring my teeth plaque-free.
I have other 2 things which are all second chances. There are a bit personal, controvertional, memorable that I decide to keep them to myself. Hehehe
Btw congrats ZAW, WAJEE N ZIEMAH !!!!!
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