Friday, August 22, 2008

tidak pasti

try to read this blog macam MR.jee cakap (satu-satu)

well, here i am again. long time no see. been busy posting arah my blog (which is sama jua belangau nya).

okey, maybe the way i updated this blog is a lil bit strange. i don't know also why our picture so sudden becomes that big. a correct word to propose this kind of picture is GIANT. and maybe some of you guys are wondering where the hell the widgets are. hahaha i didn't mean it. Their dissapearance maybe something to do with me. like duh~. who else yang suka merusak-rusakkan barang ane.

okey, it is better like this. if you guys get mad, i'll attend school tomorrow. there you have chances to kill me right away. but it is better if you guys wait until after the dinner. hahaha i'm trying to negotiate here. hahahaha sorry guys. i didn't mean to.

by the way, i just realised that the clock is not really working. i mean, it works but hey how can we tell what time is it. hahahaha (sampat g mengomplain tu)

i'm not sure about my title for this post. that is why i put it as "tidak past". i rather put something that doesn't make sense rather than being lame. hahahaha wth.

this post is specially wrote by me just to apologise on what i did with this blog. sorry for the links and whatever lost. it seems that the song is not working also. maybe because this blog have been langauing for a long time.

the very very bersalah kid,

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