Owh k. It is official. All scholarshipians are gone.
We have to move on.
Those who are left, are the potential persons who are going to sit next to you during our graduation.
We have about 1 year to get to know each other. So embrace this oppurtunity to foster mutual relationship among us the Pu1 2008 batch. Karang nyasal nda sampat get to know each. This is important as you will be working as committes for our graduation. You guys will be the heads and ast. heads, kami mps will just be the coordinators sja ne..
Owh K
I received a message from Zaw requesting me and others to keep this blog alive..
YES, Zaw! Very Interesting request!
Owh k What to blog ahh?
ahhhhh!! Lets start!
This afternoon, we mp had a small meeting just to sort things out before the holiday-over time.
We had this conversation about someone is buzzing around and make a big question on the necessity of having audition for the upcoming events we mp will be organising. That someone(dont know who) stated that the performances for upcoming events do not deserve to be auditioned pasal they are not really bllalal blalla events that need proper performances.
Pertama sekali. Pasal ramai orang came for auditions bah with a lot of different songs and performances, NDAKAN kami mp nda payah audition dorang ane..and just put their performances in the programme. There are around 20++ students came in so if kami inda audition, all 20++ students will be performing tahh tuuu...It will take a long time like hell! Karang kamu ja complen keboringan and tend to escape!
My second point. Not all students came in cud sing as well as "hgfhgdlhgflha". Nadakan yg NADA lawa atupun kami msukn arah programme. Cum on lah be more logical and rational. There are few students yg we know talented, we just said yes to them and no need audition..ATU PASALNYA KAMI TAU UDAH DORG LAWA N MANIS N PANDAI MENYANYI MCM HHDGFHAGFAHD UDAH!
My last and foremost point. It maybe easy for u said that they are jus minor events. But u did mention they are for teachers and students. So pasal ane tah..KAMI MP we need to censor and restrict the perfomances. U noe it some students tend to loss control and act wild. AND WE DONT WANT THAT.NOT IN FRONT OF TCHAS. if acara bergambus...BRING IT ON! But sweety, there are all school functions where we have proper college administration, professional educators, Islam as our principle MIB as our concept. Sorylah u felt offended bcoz of racism. We are not racist here. If this action of wildness do happen, we mp will be slaughtered and my head is first in line.
Please understand that we mp try enforce disciplines among the students meanwhile we are keeping both parties as in the students and teachers happy. Please understand our positions.It probably easy for u to just sit and view what's going on. Try to be in our positions , u will do the same thing!. therefore do not judge our creadibility and do respect our responsibilities AND WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING!

Sorry for any offensive tone
Im being bitchy!
Feel free to debate with me!
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