Tribute to Ultimate Fren Zaw
As Zaw managed to pull herself to compose the previous tributes so I guess it's the time for a tribute to Zaw now.
Ok How can I put this?

Name: Norzawani Ishak
Nickname: well various different nicknames arise
Zaw, Wani, Zawani, Zow, ZawThawLiangNee, Zaw Thao Liang Toon & and now there one more nickname in processes of creating, thinking and publicising. As I was informed, this brand new nickname will be launched as soon as Zaw set foot in UK..simply nama ane for kawan-kawanya orang putih di sana is actually to make the name more convenient for orang putih yg payah kan sabut nama orang melayu..ehhhh So Zaw with wise thinking came up with the iniative asking ppl which nickname suits her better.
DOB: 24th October (Zaw, aku probably drive dulu)
Heart of Brunei: keriam, Tutong
Here, the story begins.
Year 2003 witnessed our brief but yet sweet frenship. I started to know her in my ugama class, 5 Ha..A class that cud be distingushed by other so easy..the left-out class yang di ujung sekali..mcm di ujung dunia rasanya apa inda..munya 1/3 of the classrom received minimum amout of light pasal terblock oleh d other bangunan...wawawaawa ok back to Zaw. My first impression on this girl is "kan matiii...tinggi banar ja bini-bini ane...susu apa diminumnya ane"..Back then, students in our batch were liked cute mute biut and C zaw kali paling tinggi. She even beat C aziz, warga yang paling KLCC sekali ahh tym atu lahhh but not now lah!..Back then it was like Zaw the giant of beanstalk..we all were the Jackss.
I can never erased our very first memory pasal record book. Tym atu mcm style lama masih pakai record book segala yang we inherited since we were in pra all sweet, dreadful comments,lousy marks that we got in the exam were archieved in that very cali record books.Our teacher asked us to hand in our record book.everyone was busy rummaging his/her back in search of the record book.Everyone except me and Zaw. I was so confident that I had my record book in my bag and dengan egonya refused to take it out with in mind, 'karangtah ehh ku mengeluarkan,biartia orang menghantar dulu'. Zaw on the other hand, all in her panic state, was so confident that she left her record book at home. With hersef being the only student who wud not hand in the record book, she started to panic and afraid that she reputation wud be scratched on her first of school..she started to ask to other students in search of accompany.
ZAW;'Ada ko membawa recordbook mu?'(kedagaran udah intonasi panik)
CHOO: 'ADA' (in contrary to zaw, this intonasi was much more over the top with confidence)
C Zaw bertambah panik.
Then I realised it was to the time for my so biru record bok.I started rummaging my bag and struggle to find my record book..Ohhhh Shegegegettt I left it as well. Still in enriched with confident, I told Zaw what had happened.and zaw finally got an accompany.
Those who read this may find just a minor memory and a major apakan. well for both Zaw and me, we find one it too nice to erased and wud laugh when recall this.
The other memory is about the career logbook..that Im sure all you can recall. I remembered that Zaw once told me her logbook received a compliment from CK Harisah and her logbook was recognised as most neat, organised and lawa mcm tuanya- quote CK Harisah. With jealousy sipped in and my logbook was too contrary to zaw's, I decided to borrow her logbook and with aim to copy those I missed. It turned out that I was so lazy to copy and never touch her logbook and kept in instead in my bag untouched for about a week. The day came, I gave back the logbook and pass it on to Zaw. Zaw flipped the cover and to her surprise wawawawawawa happened. I turned around to zaw to check out what had happened. I flipped the cover..wahhhh Shegeggegegt the very first page of her logbook was crumpled like a crumpled and torn love note when u heartbroken. Kami punya reaksi muka ari atu mcm bakas meliat antu bungkus, speechless brabiss with in mind clueless who was to blame...astahhhh.Since then Zaw logbook was never a neat,oragnised anymore...hahahahah
Well in ugama class, we created a lot of memorable moments together. Kami makan tym belajar, kami men mobile which that time was illegal to even bring, kami berhibun bla bla bla, we had girl talk and we even compete in tests and exam.
The next two years, kami nada brapa mingled pasalnya kami nada sama klas for both pagi and patang..well we kept in touch tho..everytime we stumbled in walkway, we lift up our eyebrows and heads indicating "AHHH Yooo, wats up?" but we just passed by each other and kept the question unanswered or sumtym kami senyum saja.
In 2006, we were destined to be in a class. MA 4H. This is where mutual and very close frenship started to blossom. It witnessed Heart of Seven to be reunited. This year, we started our journey in holding responsibilities as MP. It was a cake of laughter with all various jokes be d topping.
This year also witnessed the destruction of Fiqahco (sorry this is quite personal!)
As MPs, zaw and me coorperated together putting our efforts as one together with shidah in conducting activities. A lot of valuable experience we gained. A lot of memories we created. A lot of complicts we developed.All those twists, tears and laughters, jealousy being MPs were blended together.
In 2007, responsibilties as MPs were lessen. More tym with HO7. Therefore more laughs, laughs, laughs, jokes, jokes and the cake was now even bigger. kami selalu ordered arah jolibee, ideal and mC Donalds the culprits were Sad n Zaw pasalnya dorang yg selalu lapar..nda padan dengan parut damit tapi kuat makan. Kami buat bio project pasal food segala..we came up with gigantic food pyramid and MR Obese, menus yg healthy and unhealthy.
We took alot of pictures together. We joined netball except Zaw because she is too naive to betray her old team. We loss together and what did I get personally..torn and lose ligaments and Zaw got bronze medal. She deserved it as she is a good GD pasal badanya tingi wahh iatah ia andal barabiss.
Jokes were jokes and we realised when to get serious. O Level came up. The exam that caused our separation.
In 2008, a menu is introduced. Bigger cake and cocktail of tears, hatred, laugh and sweet memories. We went out for movie tym c fahizun bufday, yg c bonda n zaw ketawa banar-banar ahahahhaha pasal c jet li in that scene ketawa so dorg pun ikut ketawa. The entire org yg meliat wayg atu pun meliat kami..wawawawa pasal kami bising ketawa lagak-lagak.Then kami berjiwang lagu pretty boy hahhaha
O level result came up. Zaw's road was diverging ahead. Twist of fate and patience also lied ahead.
Zaw's hope to get scholarship at first place was turned down. We continued to be happy with in mind A level ahead us and let Ziemah go. We went for a farewell for ziemah d soon lee. The next day, Mt Dana erupted. Fyzah and me went to forum majlis Ilmu in the morning, with nothing we cud do kami ketawa lagi as if this world was ours. Little did I expect that the afternoon wud invite gallons of tears. Zaw is permitted to go. She got scholarship. She got her second chance.
The following days were surrounded with cloudy days. Cafeteria was missing few ppls who used to cheer the situation up.
Its all confirmed and no way turning back.
Day by days, people started to dissappear.Deep in my heart was a feeling of sadness. Deep in my mind was a wonder 'sunyi, is our graduation to be?'
I told myself to hang in there, to understand why ppls have to come and go of your life, to bear with upcoming graduation stuffs and all.
No point of crying. No tears will rewind everything.
I have been preparing myself and I will not cry over things that we sud be happy for.
I told mysef that I can bear this 8th of september. I was being such egoistic myself when I told that I wud not cry on that day. But I gave it a second thought. I am actually vulnerable, I will cry when I see ppl cry and I probably cudn't bear to wave u a go! Therefore I made a selfish decision that I will not send u on 8th september.
I just let 6th september be a last day I see, talk and hugged u! wawawwa mcm mati laki udah usulnya.
8th September, 7.35 pm It is official that we go for separation!
Farewell Zaw and Thanks For always be there!
Sorry that I made a selfish decision
Well, its that a goodbye anyway!
Btw selau check ur emails.
P/s: Farewel ja rah c sabri and Sad
To Bokh: hapi bufday! Ko slalu tanya f aku rindu ko kah inda f ko blayar....AU tah aku rindu ko!
As Zaw managed to pull herself to compose the previous tributes so I guess it's the time for a tribute to Zaw now.
Ok How can I put this?

Name: Norzawani Ishak
Nickname: well various different nicknames arise
Zaw, Wani, Zawani, Zow, ZawThawLiangNee, Zaw Thao Liang Toon & and now there one more nickname in processes of creating, thinking and publicising. As I was informed, this brand new nickname will be launched as soon as Zaw set foot in UK..simply nama ane for kawan-kawanya orang putih di sana is actually to make the name more convenient for orang putih yg payah kan sabut nama orang melayu..ehhhh So Zaw with wise thinking came up with the iniative asking ppl which nickname suits her better.
DOB: 24th October (Zaw, aku probably drive dulu)
Heart of Brunei: keriam, Tutong
Here, the story begins.
Year 2003 witnessed our brief but yet sweet frenship. I started to know her in my ugama class, 5 Ha..A class that cud be distingushed by other so easy..the left-out class yang di ujung sekali..mcm di ujung dunia rasanya apa inda..munya 1/3 of the classrom received minimum amout of light pasal terblock oleh d other bangunan...wawawaawa ok back to Zaw. My first impression on this girl is "kan matiii...tinggi banar ja bini-bini ane...susu apa diminumnya ane"..Back then, students in our batch were liked cute mute biut and C zaw kali paling tinggi. She even beat C aziz, warga yang paling KLCC sekali ahh tym atu lahhh but not now lah!..Back then it was like Zaw the giant of beanstalk..we all were the Jackss.
I can never erased our very first memory pasal record book. Tym atu mcm style lama masih pakai record book segala yang we inherited since we were in pra all sweet, dreadful comments,lousy marks that we got in the exam were archieved in that very cali record books.Our teacher asked us to hand in our record book.everyone was busy rummaging his/her back in search of the record book.Everyone except me and Zaw. I was so confident that I had my record book in my bag and dengan egonya refused to take it out with in mind, 'karangtah ehh ku mengeluarkan,biartia orang menghantar dulu'. Zaw on the other hand, all in her panic state, was so confident that she left her record book at home. With hersef being the only student who wud not hand in the record book, she started to panic and afraid that she reputation wud be scratched on her first of school..she started to ask to other students in search of accompany.
ZAW;'Ada ko membawa recordbook mu?'(kedagaran udah intonasi panik)
CHOO: 'ADA' (in contrary to zaw, this intonasi was much more over the top with confidence)
C Zaw bertambah panik.
Then I realised it was to the time for my so biru record bok.I started rummaging my bag and struggle to find my record book..Ohhhh Shegegegettt I left it as well. Still in enriched with confident, I told Zaw what had happened.and zaw finally got an accompany.
Those who read this may find just a minor memory and a major apakan. well for both Zaw and me, we find one it too nice to erased and wud laugh when recall this.
The other memory is about the career logbook..that Im sure all you can recall. I remembered that Zaw once told me her logbook received a compliment from CK Harisah and her logbook was recognised as most neat, organised and lawa mcm tuanya- quote CK Harisah. With jealousy sipped in and my logbook was too contrary to zaw's, I decided to borrow her logbook and with aim to copy those I missed. It turned out that I was so lazy to copy and never touch her logbook and kept in instead in my bag untouched for about a week. The day came, I gave back the logbook and pass it on to Zaw. Zaw flipped the cover and to her surprise wawawawawawa happened. I turned around to zaw to check out what had happened. I flipped the cover..wahhhh Shegeggegegt the very first page of her logbook was crumpled like a crumpled and torn love note when u heartbroken. Kami punya reaksi muka ari atu mcm bakas meliat antu bungkus, speechless brabiss with in mind clueless who was to blame...astahhhh.Since then Zaw logbook was never a neat,oragnised anymore...hahahahah
Well in ugama class, we created a lot of memorable moments together. Kami makan tym belajar, kami men mobile which that time was illegal to even bring, kami berhibun bla bla bla, we had girl talk and we even compete in tests and exam.
The next two years, kami nada brapa mingled pasalnya kami nada sama klas for both pagi and patang..well we kept in touch tho..everytime we stumbled in walkway, we lift up our eyebrows and heads indicating "AHHH Yooo, wats up?" but we just passed by each other and kept the question unanswered or sumtym kami senyum saja.
In 2006, we were destined to be in a class. MA 4H. This is where mutual and very close frenship started to blossom. It witnessed Heart of Seven to be reunited. This year, we started our journey in holding responsibilities as MP. It was a cake of laughter with all various jokes be d topping.
This year also witnessed the destruction of Fiqahco (sorry this is quite personal!)
As MPs, zaw and me coorperated together putting our efforts as one together with shidah in conducting activities. A lot of valuable experience we gained. A lot of memories we created. A lot of complicts we developed.All those twists, tears and laughters, jealousy being MPs were blended together.
In 2007, responsibilties as MPs were lessen. More tym with HO7. Therefore more laughs, laughs, laughs, jokes, jokes and the cake was now even bigger. kami selalu ordered arah jolibee, ideal and mC Donalds the culprits were Sad n Zaw pasalnya dorang yg selalu lapar..nda padan dengan parut damit tapi kuat makan. Kami buat bio project pasal food segala..we came up with gigantic food pyramid and MR Obese, menus yg healthy and unhealthy.
We took alot of pictures together. We joined netball except Zaw because she is too naive to betray her old team. We loss together and what did I get personally..torn and lose ligaments and Zaw got bronze medal. She deserved it as she is a good GD pasal badanya tingi wahh iatah ia andal barabiss.
Jokes were jokes and we realised when to get serious. O Level came up. The exam that caused our separation.
In 2008, a menu is introduced. Bigger cake and cocktail of tears, hatred, laugh and sweet memories. We went out for movie tym c fahizun bufday, yg c bonda n zaw ketawa banar-banar ahahahhaha pasal c jet li in that scene ketawa so dorg pun ikut ketawa. The entire org yg meliat wayg atu pun meliat kami..wawawawa pasal kami bising ketawa lagak-lagak.Then kami berjiwang lagu pretty boy hahhaha
O level result came up. Zaw's road was diverging ahead. Twist of fate and patience also lied ahead.
Zaw's hope to get scholarship at first place was turned down. We continued to be happy with in mind A level ahead us and let Ziemah go. We went for a farewell for ziemah d soon lee. The next day, Mt Dana erupted. Fyzah and me went to forum majlis Ilmu in the morning, with nothing we cud do kami ketawa lagi as if this world was ours. Little did I expect that the afternoon wud invite gallons of tears. Zaw is permitted to go. She got scholarship. She got her second chance.
The following days were surrounded with cloudy days. Cafeteria was missing few ppls who used to cheer the situation up.
Its all confirmed and no way turning back.
Day by days, people started to dissappear.Deep in my heart was a feeling of sadness. Deep in my mind was a wonder 'sunyi, is our graduation to be?'
I told myself to hang in there, to understand why ppls have to come and go of your life, to bear with upcoming graduation stuffs and all.
No point of crying. No tears will rewind everything.
I have been preparing myself and I will not cry over things that we sud be happy for.
I told mysef that I can bear this 8th of september. I was being such egoistic myself when I told that I wud not cry on that day. But I gave it a second thought. I am actually vulnerable, I will cry when I see ppl cry and I probably cudn't bear to wave u a go! Therefore I made a selfish decision that I will not send u on 8th september.
I just let 6th september be a last day I see, talk and hugged u! wawawwa mcm mati laki udah usulnya.
8th September, 7.35 pm It is official that we go for separation!
Farewell Zaw and Thanks For always be there!
Sorry that I made a selfish decision
Well, its that a goodbye anyway!
Btw selau check ur emails.
P/s: Farewel ja rah c sabri and Sad
To Bokh: hapi bufday! Ko slalu tanya f aku rindu ko kah inda f ko blayar....AU tah aku rindu ko!
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