As Zaw asked about our howdoings disini...hahahah
Ok Here is the story
Fiqahco, which is me, is busy recently making sure Hari Raya celebration on 7th Oct is a success. Typical kaja MP.
Memoo & Bonda involve in directing drama in the celebration.
It was quite chaotic yesterday when we had our first rehearsal for the celebration, all performers came in, problem arose, another problem arose and more problems arose. For the last 3 days we spent our holiday in school instead dirumah..ensuring every inche of the celebration we planned carefully so that everyone happy.
It was like hell yesterday, I lost my temper. But It was still the first rehersal. I gave it another chance.
On Thursday, there will be another rehearsal..A FINAL REHEARSAL before CENSORSHIP by you-know-who which will be on the first dayf school and the next day will the events. If they do censor anything, I think it will be too late to change..maniss.
As for Fezun and Rose..we are not sure what they are up to.
Btw we are planning of having raya convoy on 4th Oct..the ex5h-ians (yg inda belayarlah) and geng-geng mps. Picture of those moments will be captured and Insya-Allah, will be uploaded here.
Btw sapa yg mau, we have 3 seats left!
Jauh ne kami beraya, dari gadong, ke salambigar, ke lambak, balik ke gadong, ke bunut, arah empire, ke tutong, ke belait, ke lumut, ke limbang...
N if kamu yg di uk teliat bus purple disana, ada cap "KAMI BERAYA'" bah kami tah tuuu datang.
Here are some photos I took during the rehearsal. Sorry for blurry photos due to shaky head and burning ears
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