Hello earthlings!
Im zaw btw for those yang sudah lupakan aku sejak pemergian ku pada 8september yang lalu. Kepada sesiapa yang masih mengingati diri ini, terima kasih dan saya ingin mengumumkan bahawa saya sihat2 sahaja di sini. Overall kami semua org oswestrians happy wif our new school... and doing well!
Anyway aku inda tau pakan d cakapkan so .... I've taken few pictures of my Oswestry school~

My dearly Oswestry School, not that big though. MS is bigger!

Then this is the sixth form centre where the sixth forms hang out and have their private study. During private study we really really DO need to STUDY!! Mun inda kana marah.

The sixth form centre from the back; and di belakang ane ada satu kawasan luas where kami boleh hang out jua tapi it's just a plain field. Bahapa jua kan duduk di luar, sajuk kali ah.

This is the sixth form centre main entrance...WOO~
(sorry bad shot, it was really sunny that day)
INSIDE, this is the common room where every sixth formers hang out. Only during breaks and lunch though. And also, night time for the sixth form's boarders. Kami jarang pulang hang out sini masa malam.

Ane part of the common room, we call this spot the BLUES where all the Bruneians tend to gather. It is equivalent to our 'loser table' where the actual fact is that the people arah the lose table bukan loser banarnya.. haha ;p Geddit? it's just a name for that spot, it doesnt apply to the people sitting there .

Okay the next room ada entertainment sikit, ada meja pool!

And,and meja fusball!!
Saya telah belajar cara-cara untuk bermain kedua-dua permainan. Dengan bangganya saya ingin mengumumkan saya sudah pandai main pool and fusball (yea~ manasaja tah zaw)

Okay now akukan liatkan kamu our HILL. Awu di sekolah kami ada hill, usulnya digambar ane inda plg steep and tiring tapi in reality gila,, ngalih kali ah. kepisan ku naik turun tiap ari.
Wait for it....wait for it...

Ani nah sambung gambar bukit di atas ah, tinggi kali ah. Imagine walking up and down the hill everyday. registration di bawah, classes di bawah. Then boarding house di atas, hall and dining hall di atas, sixth form centre di atas. FUhh.. meliat gambar ane punku ngalih bah, haha.. ketara inda fit aku ah!!

And this is my registration building.

Pintu belakang dining hall. Dining hall,tempat kami makan everyday. Alhamdullilah, makananya halal and quite nice...

This is our hall. side view of our hall.

And, this is tree.(obviously!) depan hall kami. kira it reminds me of our tree d MS yang basar ah...

And, this is our courts. Tumbir2 arah bukit nie btw...

This is Holbache House. tempat boarders lelaki.

And this is GUINEVERE HOUSE. Tempat saya staying...
Guys, aku turun LONDON on the 26thseptember and train ride dari Oswestry ke London 48pound! Mahal kali ah...Now aku blogging ane aku di brunei hall.
Sama aku round2 London kelmarin (27th) kali main ice skating jua, aku babal banar inda pandai2 skating... terabah sja kali ah, basah seluar ku!! bari hawar kali ah, haha!! Bt overall skating was fun and lots of pain!
Bah guys, that's all. Sorry for the lame and dull post.And the not-so-good-quality pictures....harap di ampunkan~
okay nanti lagi aku post. To bonda and fahizun bila kamu kan start posting?
Fiqahco, go girl! you can do the activities!
fyzah and bonda, bah chayo for the drama.
to everyone else; i miss and love you guys.
Sorry again for this dull post...
okay im out!
Love, zaW!!
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